XDX's Evil Mini-Game Idea

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XDX's Evil Mini-Game Idea

Post by XDemonX »

This is Bouncer's idea too so have to give him a little credit. This current mini-game had some problems but it taught us a lot. The idea for the next game is an evil game.

On the admin side, I am not sure if you can start everyone's alignment -300 or not or if you have to spawn an HQ. There will only be 3 ships in the game. Thief, Assassin, and Death Cruiser. I need some discussion on this part we can make the start of the game go two ways. First of all, if admins can disable annon accounts for this round that would make things more balanced. Also there NEEDS to be a delay between leaving and joining alliance. Around 24h. This is because the game is designed for 5 person alliances, its not fair for people to technically have 10 people with 5 people trading in cloaked ships where no one can see them to pad their stats and give their money off to someone else.

There will be 3-4 empty planet galaxies. We can toy with the idea of having a port in there or not. Planets do not spawn for at least 1 week with neutral planets spawning a few days after the planet gal planets (Will be a admin announcement regarding the exact time everything spawns so everyone can plan).. There will be around 2 planets in each planet galaxy and several planets randomally placed in the neutral galaxy. This is because we want to promote people logging off on their planets. As it was with this mini game, planets are not safe and way too easy to bust. We want people to actually use mines and have a nice little spot to land in. At a certain point, planets will become unbustable. The amount of planets need to be discussed. I believe there are way too many planets this game. I want the idea to be people constantly fighting over the same planets. Same as this game, 5 planets max level and you win (they will be unbustable at max level). With 2 planets in each planet galaxy it makes it near impossible to try to hold 3 planet galaxies by yourself with 5 people so you will have to fight over the neutral planets as they will be near the middle of the map fairly equal distance from each planet galaxy.

I would like really high port density near ports and less density near planet galaxies. This is because I don't want people using this game to pad stats and just play from fed. People farther out from fed will be rewarded more. The only level 5 weapon in the game is a nuke (evil game theme) rest will be neutral weapon (NO PPL).

Rest is up for discussion. I am sure bouncer has a lot of ideas for this including new planets.
This is a beat, you just can't touch.....
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