IRC/Chat Walkthrough

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IRC/Chat Walkthrough

Post by B.O.B. »

To get access to the chaplet (JAVA and a Web broswer required) goto:

There, enter your nick and hit login. After that, validate if need be, then type:

/join #SMR

To enter #SMR room.

If you need help, try:

/join #SMR-HELP
SGT Johnson, B.O.B.
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Post by B.O.B. »

Another alternative is mIRC, a shareware chat client.

Download the mIRC client.

As of this post, mIRC is trial shareware and expires in 30 days, HOWEVER, it does not lock you out after 30 days, it just keeps asking for you to register everytime you load it.

When you first start it, mIRC Options should display.
On the first page (Connect) click the near bottom right button that looks like a sun, or on the left hand side, under Connect select Servers.

Once there, there will a long list of servers. You can leave them there if you want, but I never use them so I delete them. Click the delete button once, and then hold down the enter button until all servers are deleted.

Click the add button.
For description, enter a name that makes since to you, like "smr".
For IRC Server, set it to
Leave port at the default: 6667
For group and password, leave them blank.

Click add.

Next, under Servers, select Options.
There you can check "Connect on startup" if you want to try and connect when the program starts. Also you can check "Reconnect on disconnection" to auto-reconnect if you get disconnect.

For "Pop up connect dialog on startup" that displays the "mIRC Options" that you are in right now, so uncheck if you don't want to be in every time the program starts.

Underneath that, click the "Perform..." button.

Check in "Enable perform on connect"

In the "Perform commands:" type something similar to the following:

/nick YourNickName
/NickServ IDENTIFY YourPassword
/join #smr
/join #YourAllianceChat YourAllianceChatPW

Now what that all does:
/nick YourNickName resets your nick back to your default nickname. The program remebers the nickname you had last, so if you quit with the name of YourNick_ZZZ that is what you will start with next time.

/NickServ IDENTIFY YourPassword identifies you to the nickname server. If you nickname is registered (which I recommend doing and will cover in a minute) if you don't identify in a certain time period your name gets changed to something guest1234

/join #smr makes you join the #smr chatroom automatically.

If you are an alliance, they usually have a chat room, and usually have a password to keep unwelcome people out. So the format is basically:
/join #chatroom thePW

Next, expand "IRC" on the left, and under IRC click "Options".
Near the bottom of the check boxes, check "Hide ping? pong! event".

Your almost done. :)

Now click the main "OK" button.

On the button bar at the top, far left, you should see a button that looks like a lightning bolt. Click this to connect to chat server.

When it connects it will pop-up with a dialog box showing current chat rooms that are not hidden. THere will be check box to the affect of show this dialog on startup. I never use it so I uncheck it so it won't display everytime I connect. It's upto you, to uncheck it or not.

Now on to registering a Nick.

Status box (the bottom most window open) you will want to type the following (note: this is so that you don't actually show your PW in a chatroom):

/NickServ REGISTER password emailAddy

You will want to do a password that is hard to guess.
Also, you need to use a valid email address because you will be sent a validation code and how to validate your registration.
SGT Johnson, B.O.B.
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Post by B.O.B. »

The following is some pointers on how to secure a channel for your alliance. This is in no way going to guarantee that your channel will be 100% secure, as this would probably require much more expertise than I currently have. It will, however, get you started. This guide will be by text commands only. This is to ensure that regardless of the IRC client you are using, it should hopefully work.

For starters, you need a room that you have OPs in. Next you'll want to register your room. This serves to main purposes. The first being that even if there is no one in the channel, the channel will still exist, and all the changes will still be intact. The second being that it is the best/closest thing you will have for a failsafe from completely losing your room.

By registering your channel, you automatically become the channel founder. As channel founder, the only people who will more control over the channel than you is the IRC Cops.

If at anytime, the commands I do examples of don't make since, you can type:

/script help
/script command help
and the IRC will give you more help on it.
/chanserv help
/chanserv register help

To register a channel, type in the server window something like the following:
/chanserv register channel password description
Channel would be the name of your channel, such as #test.
Password is just for your, the channel founder. This will be used with /chanserv to identify yourself to it and verify that you are the channel founder. Description is exactly that, a description of the channel: My Alliance Channel. Thus in the end you should have something like:

/chanserv register #test myPassword My Alliance Channel.

Next, we'll setup of some of the channel access levels:
/chanserv levels #test list
This will show you all the levels available too you and what their current value is. The following is all the levels available too you:
AUTOOP (Auto OP status)
AUTOVOICE (Auto Voice status)
AUTODEOP (If someone tries to op someone with this lvl, the chanserv will auto deOP them.)
NOJOIN (Self explanatory, they aren't allowed to join the channel)
INVITE (User can invite some in)
AKICK (User can set channel to auto-kick someone)
SET (User can change/set channel modes)
CLEAR (User can use the CLEAR command)
UNBAN (User can unban themself and rejoin the room)
OPDEOP (User can use the OP/DEOP/DEVOICE commands)
ACC-LIST (User can view is on the Access list)
ACC-CHANGE (User can make changes to access list to other users who have a lower level than them)
MEMO-READ (User is allow to list/read channel memos)
LEV-LIST (User is allowed to see this list)
LEV-CHANGE (User is allowed to change level settings)
SYNC (User can sync the channel on all the servers. VJ's IRC network is more than one server, so it makes sure the channel is the same on all servers)
MEMO-SEND (User can send a memo to the channel)
AKICK-LIST (User can see who is on the akick list)

A newly founded channel starts out with the following levels:
SET (disabled)
CLEAR (disabled)
LEV-CHANGE (disabled)

Access Levels go by the users number and any level equal to or lower than it. IE if I had an access level of 6, I would have AUTOP, AUTOVOICE, INVITE, and so on for every level that is 6 or less, except for the 2 bad levels (AUTODEOP & NOJOIN)

Any level that has (disabled) either disables an automatic feauture or makes it so only the channel founder can use the command. To change a level it is as simple as:
/chanserv levels channel set type level
/chanserv levels #test set autoop 25
This would change it so the user would have to have an access level of 25 to get autoops from the channel.
If you want to disable a level, it is as simple as:
/chanserv levels channel dis type
/chanserv levels #test dis autoop

The last command in levels, which you will probably never use is:
/chanserv levels channel reset Basically it resets the levels back to the defaults.

Now that the levels are set, next when to set access levels for users.
First will view who has an access level (should be noone at this point):
/chanserv access channel list
/chanserv access #test list

To add someone to the list it is:
/chanserv access channel add nick level
/chanserv access #test add BOB 1000
This would give an access level of a 1000. This wouldn't make a big difference if you are using default levels cause the highest level needed is 10. Note: The NICK you add MUST be a registered nick.

Getting rid of someone off the list is as simple as:
/chanserv access channel del nick
/chanserv access #test del BOB

If you remember in the default levels you had:
Thus if a user had a lvl 10 or greater, they could add & del people from the access list. Unlike the founder (you), they have one key restriction:
If they are going to add someone, the level they give them MUST be lower than their current level. IE if they are lvl 10, the highest they can give someone is lvl 9. And they are going to delete someone from the list, that person has to be a lower level then them.

The next chanserv command we will cover is SET.
We will only cover some of the commands under SET, if you want more info on them, try /chanserv help set. First command under SET we'll cover is ENTRYMSG. It is quite simply an entry message the user will see when they join the channel. The syntax is:
/chanserv set channel entrymsg This message will be shown to each user as they join the channel.
In the server screen you will get:
-ChanServ= [#test] This message will be shown to each user as they join the channel.
It does lose some of it's use cause most users don't look in the server window was they get in chat.

The rest of the commands follow the exact same syntax as the entrymsg above:
/chanserv set channel option parameters
option being the sub command such as entrymsg and the parameters the text of "This message will be shown to each user as they join the channel."

Next command: TOPIC. Self-explanatory, it is the topic/title of you channel.

Next: KEEPTOPIC. If noone is in the channel the channel would lose its topic, if you set this to ON, then it will have the same topic when someone comes back into the room. The parameter for this command is either "on" or "off".

Next: TOPICLOCK. If this is "on" then the only way to change the topic is by /chanserv set channel topic This is the new topic. If you go back to the levels, you will see that one of the levels allows a user to use the "SET" command. IE only certain users would be allowed to change the topic.

Next: TOPICPREFIX. Set this if you want a specific string at the start of topic regardless of what the topic gets changed to. IE "Kill em all!"

Next: MLOCK. This always you to set a channel mode as locked on, locked off, or not locked. Well cover the different modes later, the syntax looks something like:
/chanserv set channel mlock modes
Setting a mode to + locks it on, a - locks it off, and excluding it from the list leaves it unlocked. IE:
/chanserv set #test mlock +c-i
This would lock mode c on and mode i off, and all the others would not be locked.

Next: PRIVATE. This is off by default, but I recommend setting it to on. This "hides" the channel off the channel. It is recommend for alliance chatrooms cause you don't really wanting enemies knowing the name of your channel.

Next: RESTRICTED. This is off by default also, but again it is recommended to be set to ON. If this is set, users with negative access levels will be kicked and banned from the channel automatically. If you use this with secure ops, then anyone not on the access list will also be kicked and banned when they try to join. (IE, all your users in your alliance should have at least the access level of 1 to avoid being kicked and banned.)

Next: SECURE. This requires that a user be using a registered nick and be identified with the nickserv before they can join. This is recommended to being set to ON.

Next: SECUREOPS. As mention in RESTRICTED, this will make your channel more secure by setting it to on. Also if this is set to on, they won't be able to get OP status until they are added to the access list (IE a friend in chat trys to give them OP status).

Next up: Channel modes. The channel modes currently available are:
b, c, i, k, l, m, M, n, O, p, R, s, and t.

To set a mode it is the syntax of:
/mode channel +/- mode additional paramaters.
+ or - (on or off). Additional parameters are mode specific.

b = ban. IE:
/mode #test +b BOB@*
This would ban me from the channel if I used the nick BOB.

c = colors (whether you can use them or not.

i = Invite only (the user has to be invited to join.)
Note: This can be set to add just another level of security. If the user has

a high enough level for the channel, they can do the command:
/chanserv invite channel
This will have the channel invite them in.

k = Key. This is recommended to be set. Then if a user wants to join the

channel, they have to type:
/join channel key

l = limit (IE the number of users allowed in at the same time. Not used much. You could set it the number of players in your alliance, but it is
more work than it is worth. Plus if you manage to everyone in your alliance in chat at the same time you have a really really active alliance.)

m = moderated. This is useful for conducting ops in game. Chatter can get quite hectic during an OP. If you turn this on, and then remove everyone's OPs/Voice except you and/or OP Leader, then only those with a voice or a op status can talk in the channel. Basically useful for putting out information and making sure everyone gets it.

M = A modified for of moderated. Only registered nicks can talk.

n = No external messages. If this isn't set, someone can do:
/msg channel their message.
This would allow them to say something in your channel without being in your channel.

o = Channel operator. IE /mode #test +o BOB would give me OPs.

O = IRC Operators only. IRC Operators AKA IRC Cops.

p = Private. IE the channel is Private.

R = Registered nicks only. The user must be registered and identified with nickserv.

s = secret. Same as p (private)

t = Only ops can change the Topic.

v = Give someone voice status. (The only thing special about voice status is that you can talk in a moderated room.)

Well that about wraps it up I think. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. :B.O.B.:
SGT Johnson, B.O.B.
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Post by B.O.B. »

Another quickie pointer:

I see in alot of alliance chats the tendency to op/autoop everyone. This really isn't necessary. You should be sparing with who you give ops/autoops in my opinion. Give it to a select few who are on, on a regular basis and are trustworthy. But that is just my opinion.

Or if you still want to give everyone autoops, do this:

In the levels, set the OPDEOP level to a higher level. The select few you really trust, give them that level. Then only you and them can DEOP people. Also set UNBAN to the same level as OPDEOP.

This doesn't stop abusive users who have autoops from banning, but you can ban someone while being out of the channel yourself. Then they won't be able to tell the chanserv to unban them.

Ok something I learned today: If you are on the access list and accidentally got banned, you can use the invite command to get the chanserv to invite you in. Once invited, you bypass the ban. From in there you can manually make sure all bans that are banning you, get removed.

If you are not sure which ones are banning you, do a /whois yournick
This will list your IP. Look for a ban(s) that lists your IP.

Oh and the command to invite yourself in is:

/chanserv invite channel

Also another quickie point:

cs = chanserv, so you can do the shorter command of:
/cs command

Oh and since /cs invite can allow you to bypass a ban, you could set the invite to a higher level, however if you set the chan to autoban people who aren't identified, this isn't recommended.

However, if anyone ever takes over your channel, you should first drop them to a NOJOIN on the access list by doing something like:

/cs access channel add nick -99

ADD = Change too. If they are already on the access list, it will change there level to the new one.
SGT Johnson, B.O.B.
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Post by XDemonX »

another way to get on irc if you are behind a firewall and is not working and you cannot download mirc nice little applet
This is a beat, you just can't touch.....
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