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Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 7:27 am
by Remlak
Baalzamon wrote: and what about the people that are on vacation for two weeks and park in fed? would they have the option of paying in advance or what?
They would have to park in their own fed space, and then they wouldnt have any taxes to worry about. One of the perks for being "part" of a race :)

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:58 pm
by Baalzamon

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 8:17 pm
by Baalzamon
heres another thing...its brought on by a pet peeve of mine

I know to many people it won't make sense, but whatever

What about making it so that the presidental position isnt based on a positive align? Like, what if you have an entire council who is very active, everyone trying together to raise relations, but a president who is never there to put up peace votes? Have the president be the person with the most experience in the race, be it pos or neg align.

Or, have the option to impeach the president, have an "impeach" vote on the bottom of the daily voting always be there, and if 15 out of 20 people vote the president out, then presidency goes to the next person on the list with pos. align how it is now, or next person in experience if it was to change

Or perhaps when a person becomes the president, give them an option to decline the offer if they don't want to do it so that someone else can have it

Like I said, it was brought on by a pet peeve, but I think these may be good ideas none the less

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 8:27 pm
by Freon22
Baalzamon wrote:Or, have the option to impeach the president, have an "impeach" vote on the bottom of the daily voting always be there, and if 15 out of 20 people vote the president out, then presidency goes to the next person on the list with pos. align how it is now, or next person in experience if it was to change
I like that part of the idea,

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 9:20 pm
by Siege
How about red hot chilli peppers as a new trade good for deputies.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:53 am
by Space Gnat
need a reason to go green. too many evils . this game getting old

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:51 am
by DPR
The reason you don't see too many greens these days (IMHO) is because of the PPL. Before when HHG and Nuke were only lvl 5 weapons, a lot of people became a deputy for the HHG. Now days you can achieve a weapon setup using the PPL that does just as much dmg or maybe more (don't know exact numbers off top of my head) as HHG, 3x SEMFC, 3x CBD. So with HHG being less powerful not much point in being good. If the PPL were removed I bet a lot more ppl would be green. Although i don't advocate the removal of the PPL because I am usually evil and always use the PPL =P

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:11 pm
by Freon22
You are right DPR, its that and a few other things as well. Over the years there has been alot of changes. Some of these changes was done for the wrong reason. The ones that pushed them through did not care they just wanted their edge in the game.

Going Good or Evil was a choice that you had to make at the start of the game. To change it later would require lots of time and turns. Not so true today.

Players that did go evil did it for the Nuke, ships and the evil trade routes. There were a few other reasons for going evil I believe not sure never went evil myself.

Players that went Good did it for the HHG, and the Federal ships mainly.

So first we did away with the HHG and Nuke reason for going one way or the other. Next we increased the power of some of the other ships, like the Human Destroyer. We increased its combat drones from 50 to 100, the FU as 120. The FU is still a good ship 7 HP, takes only half hits from mines but it cost 43 to 44 million. The Human destroyer only cost 13 to 14 million with 20 less CDs and one less HP.

Not saying there is still not still reasons for going Good or Evil. Just saying we have closed the gap on some of the reasons for going Good. All in all it maybe better to go evil because you can trade the evil goods. You just need to watch it when you Fed park and carrier some cash for when you get searched.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:32 pm
by Space Gnat
All in all there are a lot more pros to going evil so what i think needs implementing is incentive to go green so that there is at least competition for presidency, etc. 80% of the top 50 at least are evil... should try to mix things up

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:35 pm
by DemiGod
Harry Krishna wrote:
Ardbeg wrote:
Kahless_ wrote:as far as i know the code picks the person with the highest allignment and the highest xp, so if no "good" people are on the coucil, the least evil most experienced "evil" person gets the job
I believe this is incorrect, unless the code has changed. In the past it has always been the highest ranked good (xp > 100) player who is president. If no players have good alignment (such as at the start of the game) I believe there is no president.
Ard is correct, although I think he meant alignment > 100, not xp.
Nope I'm quite sure its alignment>150. We had an issue trying to keep a member as president so he could veto some votes and maintain the needed peace. His alignment was 147.