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Political issues reformed

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 9:19 pm
by Legend
i think that there is to much trading going on with the other races ports

back in the day, you had to have max personal relations which was 500 and also max global relations which was another 500, and if you didnt have 960> then you wouldn't get any experience or much money.

Currently, everyone can trade everyone eleses ports, and it doenst really matter about he political. You could still be at war with somoen but have such high personal, you will still make max exp and profit, this is not right.

There will really be no need to bust ports to change the race but instead to just make profit off this.

what i propose is to make alskant the ulitmate trade race and to do so, have them only beable to raise there personal alignment with other races, but only so much

tell me what our thoughts are?

Re: Political issues reformed

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:19 pm
by DWill
Its because you usually start off at -500 with other races, but this game we started off neutral. If you just start off at -500 like normal then you can't trade at other races ports and thus can't get over 500 relations anyways, so I don't really think this is an issue. I think next game will start off at -500 and if you want to trade past 500 relations with a race you are at peace with it is fine with me.

Re: Political issues reformed

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:31 am
by Legend
all im saying is that if you have war with a race, you should not beable to get full exp let along enter the port!

Re: Political issues reformed

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 7:22 pm
by Legend
overall these are good ideas.

-When you are at war with another race, and have 450+ relations with them, they should be able to enter the port, but cannot sell goods or buy goods for free exp / money

-with the president veo with the 3/4ths, there has to be a way where the president that was veoed can get back at president.

its pretty unfair how he could be prsident for a 2 days, then 3/4ths of the concil is there enemy alliance, and vetos him, and then he cant be president again? unfair to that player

Re: Political issues reformed

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 7:43 pm
by Baalzamon
Parking tickets are fantastic. (one of my favorite things we tested in old beta)

Needing peace to park in that fed, fantastic.

Parking Fees going to council? Not so much.... I think that the fees should go into the lottery, once its implimented. Makes alot more reason to want to play, seeing as the massive ammount you can win.

450+ for the relations? Eh...I don't know...i could go either way with that...

Council Member perks sound fantastic.

Presidential Impeachment-agreed, but if they get impeached, it shouldn't be for good. When an impeachment occurs, there should be a vote for the next president. It would bring up a poll on the "voting" section of the racial counsel, and show the eligible candidates (council members w/ + align). That way, if theres another impeachment, the first president could be voted into office again.

Re: Political issues reformed

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 7:57 pm
by Harry Krishna
Re: the 450+ relations
I was just playing with numbers, giving players more reason to trade and have relations with other races is the key idea, not really the exact number.

Re: impeachment
I think it would be simpler to go with the current logic that the replacement to the president would ALWAYS be the most qualified member by alignment and experience per the current system. In this way the old president would become the next president again if he/she were still qualified, even if the replacement was themselves impeached later.

Opening up the presidency to a vote would be a much bigger change and would require a greater amount of thought and debate. My idea (I think is fairly straightforward and works with what we have now).

And impeachment should be hard to do. A 3/4 majority should be hard to achieve. If not, then make it 4/5ths or 7/8ths.

Re: Political issues reformed

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 1:55 am
by Legend
i still dont like the idea of with the (x) amount of relations, then being able to trade with the other races that you are at war with,

it doesnt take many turns at all getting peace with all races, i did it after my first couple days of playing. (and could of dont it the first day if i really wanted to)

so for that i think we should do the old way, so if you are war then you cant enter the port.

and what i dont like about the current system, is it doesnt matter about political system with (500 global relations) because you can trade the other races and easily get max relations to trade easy quick. so main all the council is there for, is for war and peace, and now by the time you get war, you will already have people that have enough relations to get max exp and money.

as for the president, i think we shoudl come up with some way to inform the people that these actioans about being taken place, because personally, im not one of those people that checks the council every day. there is really no point. so if we could come up with some notification in the news, or have political news in a message when you log in. about whats happening.
if you are gong to impeach and realect a new president it should be a long vote as 7 days, makes a good amount of people able to vote, and time for the president to get done what he wanted to and to prepare for his defeat hehe.

Re: Political issues reformed

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:52 am
by JettJackson
this could be discussed more, though I don't personally think it is a needed change

Re: Political issues reformed

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:12 pm
by jouldax
Political reform is needed in terms of allowing politics to have a greater impact/more choices, but this topic doesn't really address that issue so much. I think we had a discussion on political changes in another forum.

Re: Political issues reformed

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:16 pm
by Grey Death
I agree with JJ and Jouldax.

While I think the political options need more depth, I do not think these ideas are quite the way to do so.