GP Archive: PL Issue 4

News from the "Galactic Post" and "The Space Merchant Reporter" and "News Control"
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The Uber Noober
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GP Archive: PL Issue 4

Post by Itchnov »

Kill Report

Elrod and canff have been able to grab an early lead on the kill rankings. A quite, unassuming player, Elrod seems tired of the grunt work this season. Who said Alskants are a peaceful race! All the kills seem to be coming in streaks. Three of the first five kills were canff's followed quickly by three in a row by Odysseus of HOA fame. Bounty is the most recent streaker with 2 out of the last 3 and no doubt working on more. Despite their whole alliance being Creonti, poor Beck has found no comfort in his race as a league leading 3 deaths can attest to. In team standings HOA has twice as many kills as the next highest alliance, and Faded Image, rapidly gaining a bad reputation for their Ik'Thorne mining tactics, lead the death list with 9 deaths, 3 more than -=Shadow=-. Heimdall is going with a new strategy of collecting pod money instead of trading apparently as they currenly have the most deaths with no kills. I am sure they will be turning that around. This is your battle reporter calling it like I see it. Check back every Saturday for more kill news.

Galactic Post

There will be some new changes being made to the Galactic Post starting this week. This paper will now be published on the following days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. The weekday editions will focus on current happenings throughout the universe while the Saturday edition will look at how Traders and Alliances did in the rankings over the past week. The Saturday paper will also have an area for you letters to the editor. This will be a place for you as the readers to write in your comments about something going on in the univers or about this paper. If you wish to contact the editor his identification number is 27. Only one letter will be shown per week. Remember: previous editions of the Galactic Post are available by going to the web board. For those interested in writing for the Galactic Post I am sorry to say that we are not currently accepting applications for writers. We will notify you when we are in need of applications again.

Top Alliances Begin to Emerge

As expected the top alliances of Phoenix Legacy are beginning to emerge. Those currently at the top are: HoA who are leading in kills but seem not to be doing as well in XP, The Edge who seem to be opposite of HoA by getting the xp and not focusing as much on kills, Shadow which is the alliance that always seems to do decent but never really gets as far as the others, and lastly Faded Image which is a new alliance that is made from former members of many alliances, they are in second place for experience but are also leading in deaths. There are also a few other alliances that may eventually get somewhere but currently these are the ones at the top.
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