News from the "Galactic Post" and "The Space Merchant Reporter" and "News Control"
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Post by LotuS »

Test of Time

Time, they say is the great equalizer and entropy is the universes way of enforcing time. Many alliances this early in the game have shown promising starts, jumping in the rankings while others still lag behind. An alliance like TSG from last newbie game started out very strong, the first day but quickly fell behind. Another alliance, CoS, an old name, with many new faces still shows much promise, but already some are forcasting its fall. BSA the latest name of an old NG alliance is as always off to a quick start, which they carry consistantly in the NG's, but many wonder how they will fair in the new open games. Other alliances like TD and THS are also off to strong starts and will probably both be a strong force in the future. Some faces are missing as well, it seems there will be no Orca leading an alliance, as well as a missing Omega Factor. While we can all make as many guesses and wild speculation as we want, in the end it will be time itself that shows who the real powers this game are

Black Sun Ascending?

Black Sun Ascending. Who are they? Where did they come from? Today we speak to their leader, OmegaRenegade. "...When I first started it was Trex Mercenaries under Crectors leadership, then it went to clan forsaken and about half way through after a almost civil war leadership was turned over to me... next game it was house forsaken, and then Omega's renegades... now BSA." After hearing the rumors about one specific trader apparently funding the entire alliance OmegaRenegade had something to say. "...People can say what they think, Meathead didn?t' even start trading right away, we all fund each other... all our cash goes to helping each other get better trade ships quicker." This alliance has gone through thick and thin together. Will they survive another round or will they fall under the pressure or rise to the top? "...All I can say is I sure as hell hope so, I hope we do even better, I have faith in my guys and we should do pretty good, but only time will tell for sure..." Only time will tell.

In The Beginning...

At a crossroad stand the five. The top five ranked alliances that is. Carnival Of Souls, Black Sun Ascending, The Deliverance, The Honorable Society, and of course Fear the Vampires. It began slowly, first with the infamous "password: maps" alliance at the top position, then quick as thunder the five arose. Virtually coming out from nowhere, they came. Carnival of Souls has taken first place in the intergalactic battlefield. But will they hold on to their title? Will the alliances of old rise again? Or will the return of the CoS strike fear into the hearts of all traders?

Game Notes

With the new game all accounts were deleted, so anyone who wishes to become a vet player again please contact a admin in chat. All vet status does is make it so you are in a vet racials not newbie and this will not allow you to fire on newbie players nor see them. Everyones account is still ranked as newbies even if you are changed to vet. Thank you ~Admin team
Ingenius, Armory Armory v2, Lords of the PingsSuckas, AoC, Green Skulls, DoW, Shadow, MoM, Xenocide, NE, ST, HA, PI, FI, Armada, DC, LoP, AS, Lom, MH, RC
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