News from the "Galactic Post" and "The Space Merchant Reporter" and "News Control"
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Post by LotuS »

Uranus, Neptune and the Age of Chaos

After a WQ Human Freighter full of military supplies was found pillaged and empty of her crew near Thevian space. Federal agencies of several different racial galaxies have merged to discover exactly who is responsible for the instance. After a Public Meeting by a top WQ official saying that it was found to have encrypting evidence of a Rogue group comprised of around 50-60 individuals by there estimates but they could not say for sure how many and who was to be responsible. But quickly information leaked as a Alskant Official was overheard talking. This reporter was shocked to hear what they had found. The crew was indeed found on a isolated planet in a nonracial galaxy. The crew seemed to be fine at first, but then began to exhibit strange tenancies. They seemed to have no recollection of what happened and were found to all have strange tattoos on the back of there neck. The sign of the Gaia. And at times the Alskant said he was sure that they knew what the others were thinking. He spoke of them using multiple exp tests on the group. They had an uncanny gift of knowing all the answers when someone was thinking of them, but when asked to do it on another that was not part of the said crew it could not work. The Alskant official then went on to describe how they had found another Gaia sign somewhere else. On the main Bridge of the WQ ship. But he did not go into much detail but instead went on to talk about what was left of the main on board computer. It contained a language never before discovered by any of the known racial galaxies. which caused worry for some of the council members. So soon after discovering the Nijarin now, perhaps another civilization. He went on to talk about how they could not decode most of the scriptures that continuously ran across all of the computer screens. But one Phrase that seems to be repeated in all of the known languages. It read : The Cult Of Uranus, The Cult Of Neptune and The Age Of Chaos. So soon after the many of rumors revolving around this Cult of Uranus, and already now, it seems as if two more groups have now joined the "Chaos". This reporter is not so sure they are just a rumor and is starting now to question the people I work with and see everyday. Are they perhaps part of this Cult? or is it perhaps more?

Fed Mint Takes Another Hit

Last weeks the Federal Mint thundered against local governments on these pages, demanding that bounties be reduced lest the federal coffers should run dry. However recent events seems to indicate no slowdown in the outpour of cash. Following the recent assault on the Armada-held galaxy, once again bountyhunters were lining up outside the Federal Mint to claim their bounties. Officials that prefered not to be mentioned indicated that the amounts distributed this time is in the neighbourhood of half a billion credits. Mint officers were seen tearing at their hair or tentacles (according to race), at the thought of parting with such a great amount of money. The only good news at this time seem to be, that several notorious criminals have earned large sums, but seem unwilling to come forward to claim them - lest they be apprehended by the Federation... Thus it may be that the criminals themselves end up saving the Federation coffers from depletion. A bizare situation upon which officials have so far refused to commet.

Wealthy Merchant's Empire Reduced to Rubble

An innocent human merchant in the Anocous galaxy suffered a harsh fate amid the confusion of the much debated assault by Smash'n'Grab on the Armada strongholds in that galaxy. In what in hindsight appears to be a important part of the reason for the ill-fated offensive, the attackers paused in their planetary bombardment to unleash their terror on the port in sector 3877. The terrified merchant tried as best he could to defend his property but to no avail. In just 10 minutes his empire was reduces to a smoldering rubble. Sources from the attacking alliance indicate that the merchant was an integral part of the funding of the - and I quote - "intergalactic terrorist organization calling themselves Armada". Whether this port raid has crippled the Armada war-machine as intended remains to be seen. But nonetheless it seems the much berated attack were not as unsuccesful as initial Armada claims indicated...

A new Voice in Town

A Great Space Merchant Site has Returned from recent downtime. The Realm of LotuS. A very nice, newage site with great Editorials about the SMR game, guides, tips, locations, funny stuff and more. This site is a must bookmark. Its created and run by one of your own, and updated daily. If your article doesent get posted in the galactic Post, Submit it to the Realm of LotuS (they will probably publish it) so for a good time and good fun. check out The Realm of LotuS Today at
Ingenius, Armory Armory v2, Lords of the PingsSuckas, AoC, Green Skulls, DoW, Shadow, MoM, Xenocide, NE, ST, HA, PI, FI, Armada, DC, LoP, AS, Lom, MH, RC
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