Awakening - GP Archive: Silent Unverse, Deadly Universe

News from the "Galactic Post" and "The Space Merchant Reporter" and "News Control"
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Harry Krishna
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Awakening - GP Archive: Silent Unverse, Deadly Universe

Post by Harry Krishna »

Spate of Alskant Abductions Follow Ik’Thorne – Alskant PEACE!

In a strange twist of events, the Alskant federation has issued a travel warning to all Alskant pilots to stay out of Ik’Thorne territory and avoid Ik’Thorne weapon shops and ports following a spate of recent abductions.
These abductions come hot on the tail of a rare peace accord between these two races. Authorities lay the blame on a small separatist group who are trying to disrupt the peace process, and say that they are considering several options to combat this crime wave, including deployment of a fleet of Federal Ultimatum ships flown by several high profile pilots from each race.

Conspiracy theorists, however, say that the peace accord is merely a ploy by the cold-hearted Ik’Thorne council to draw more Alskants into unwary traps where they can be captured, and say that this is all related to and follows on from the Underground removing the Drone Scrambler technology from the Death Cruiser ship recently, a ship often fancied by high level Alskant pilots. One unnamed source said “It’s quite obvious that the Ik’Thorne authorites are on a mission to completely destroy us peaceful Alskants, the removal of the DS from the DC was just the start, they also have revamped their drone technology and now these abductions are occurring”. Whether this fragile peace holds will remain to be seen, but all pilots are urged to be extra cautious when dealing with the often brutal Ik’Thorne race.

Elves Return to Old World

In an unexpected or expected turn of events the Elves pulled up their stakes in the new world and have boarded ships to return to their homeland. Frustrated by lack of activity and a few dirty tricks from their stronger neighbors the Elves crumbled into disarray. With their leader inactive, Aznplaya06 attempted to restore hope to the Elves. However timely pods from his " helpful" neighbors averted a resurgence of the Elves.
As the Elves flee to their ships Azn led a small band of Elves along a secret tunnel to a new base. Here he claims he will make those responsible pay for their deeds. A merger is in the talks with another alliance so we may still see the Elves yet. Will the Elves merge or will this small band of fighters manage to elude their enemies and survive for another game?

WQ To Begin New Weapon Research

WQ scientists have begun looking into the feasibility of developing a new weapon system. Combat tests have shown that both WQ weapons, and ships armed with these weapons rate alot lower than other racial weapons. The WQ Human government has reportedly placed a large sum of money into the military research and development sector, banking that their researchers will come up with something good.
Political analysts are hesitant to make much out of this news until more firm indications of a feasible new weapon are brought to light. But most agree that if WQ Humans do indeed develop a new powerful weapon, it is likely to give their racial relations a much needed boost.

But before any development is to take place, the research team wants a polling of public opinion. To submit your opinion go to

The Awakening, not so awake after all...

The game is dead. Ships float in space meaninglessly, Federal sectors are stuffed to the gills with rusting warbirds and trading ships. Maybe someone hit the snooze button, because nobody is Awake...

Hydra Anarchy

Hydra and Canis Minor have seen major activity recently as hunting parties from several alliances converge on the Crusaders controled zones.
Less than 72 hours after Nomad got 2 confirmed kills in Canis Minor, hunting parties from Dogs of War, Death Control and Legitimate Businessmen all entered the Hydra/Canis area and began fighting it out. With 31 deaths in the area since Nomad started the party less than 3 days prior by killing Fugazi and Red Rocket, the area has been a hot bed of activity. Hunting parties, planet busts, and solo hunters all seem to have come to Hydra and found a new favorite stomping ground as kills are being handed out.

Crusaders seem to fare badly in most of the stats, being placed in the defenders role most of the time. However, when facing off against DC, Crusaders seem to come out on top. In one short period of time, they podded 5 DC players, including high ranked Swaggie.

Due to all the heavy activity a warning is sent out, if traveling in these areas, exercise extreme caution.

DC Attacks Crusaders Galactic Fortress

The pundits said it couldn't be done, they said a heavily fortified planet with a warfleet as its secondary line of defense could not be taken. Conventional wisdom was that planet-based fleets that heavily outgunned their attackers would always win orbital battles by sheer force of numbers. It seems that not everyone pays heed to "conventional wisdom" since Death Control have now proved them all wrong.

The battle for the Crusaders planet in sector 3479 in the Hydra galaxy began with a routine assault by the DC attack fleet on planetary defenses with the maximum PDC rating of 70. Despite seven ships lost to the planet defense systems, the attackers cycled warships in and out of the attack formation allowing them to quickly and steadily break down the formidable Crusaders defenses.

After 25 brutal attacks, the planetary defenses were breached. Suddenly, witnesses spotted a fleet of 25 Crusaders warships launching from the planet's surface to the planet's defense. Inside sources say DC intelligence reports had suggested that there might be a fleet of warships as a secondary line of defense for this planet, but the DC fleet was unprepared for the sheer size of the Crusaders fleet.

Despite the daunting task now facing them, the Death Control fleet was determined to take the prize that had already cost them so many pilots. Lead by Ardbeg, their veteran Salvene operations commander, the attackers proceeded to engage in carefully timed hit-and-run raids against the Crusaders fleet now in orbit over planet 3479.

Reliable reports of the subsequent firefights have been hard to come by, but it seems clear that the sheer numbers of ships involved played havoc with the automated targetting systems on both sides, leading to extensive attack delays and computer malfunctions.

At one point, the Crusaders online defenders mounted an ambush to try to smash the DC invaders. Six Crusaders ships were destroyed in the raid. Then, by the careful targetting of weakened and Crusaders ships in orbit which could not be replaced, the battle seemed slowly turning in favor of DC.

After nearly an hour, with pilots and crews on both sides nearing exhaustion, and the remaining DC ships all battle-scarred and running low on fuel and supplies, the surviving members of the attack fleet made their final run against the defending Crusaders. According to witnesses, this appeared to be no hit-and-run raid. There was no careful maneuvering or fancy flying this time. The DC warships engaged in a full frontal assault with all guns blazing. The ensuing firefight reached epic proportions, until finally the debris of shattered ship hulls dispersed and the massive waves of electromagnetic pulses had finally dissipated. Local residents were deafened by the calamity and war heroes sh*t their pants.

Federation officials report that the final count of ships lost after this conflict was Death Control:34 and Crusaders 31. After the fighting was over, and the Death Control fleet had withdrawn, the planet under attack in sector 3479 remained under Crusaders control. This was the second conflict of this scale between the two alliances, and both times Crusaders held control of the planets.

Disturbingly, this is not the first time Hydra has been the site of such violence, and galactic residents have requested Federal assistance in rebuilding the war-torn galaxy. There has been no comment from Federation spokespersons yet as to when that help might arrive.
that which pods you makes you stronger
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