Triad-GP Archive: Editors Choice

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Quiet One
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Triad-GP Archive: Editors Choice

Post by DragonLancer »


• Ladies and Gentlemen we have a new GP EDITOR....DragonLancer.
I would like to say im am going to try my best to be a great editor and put out frequent issues. My idea is to put out a weekly issue. I also plan on making different types of issues, like different sections of a newspaper. If anyone has ideas please send them to me.
Big issue: I need writers, i have something like 5-6 writers at the moment and that will just not cut it if i am to get as many issues out as i plan. Please apply and i will accept asap :)
Final Thought: Good luck to everbody, hope it is a very exciting game and i hope we have lots to write about

Laugh it Up

• I am looking for some good joke and story tellers to write for the GP. I will try and put out a joke article every 2 weeks to a month. If i get enough intrest i will make it a weekly thing
As a part of this i would also like to let anybody who likes to make up stories based in the SMR world a chance to show their creative side......i might can work out a prize by the admins for the most creative stories....I'll address that at a later time and set rules and such.

Alliance Insider

• I would like to have an alliance insider, or updater. Im not looking to expose precious secrets that will detriment an alliances success chances, but i would like each major alliance to try to keep me informed on major happenings. I will even try to have an interview session with many Alliance leaders and even break out players. PLEASE try to be as helpful to my writers as possible and not rudely turn away their questions just because you dont feel you have the time...and if one of my writers is nagging and trying to get information to the detriment of your alliance please let me know

Anouncement Section

• I will be making an anoucnement section to the GP. This will include any alliance announcements or even maybe a few individual announvements. I will even go as far as to post any Boasting or Challenging if it isnt to severe and is kept to a civil tounge. I will not post any derrogative remarks of any kind so please dont even send them.
All annoucements can be sent to me in an ingame PM or if your a writer you can post it in an article.

Closing Statements

• This first Issue of the GP was mainly an annoucement issue. If anybody has any ideas please let me know. I am a very open minded person. Once again any ideas can be sent to DragonLancer ingame or in a pm on WB or even in IRC chat.
Once again good luck to all and i hope it will be a fun game
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