GP Archive GPE 008

News from the "Galactic Post" and "The Space Merchant Reporter" and "News Control"
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Quiet One
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Joined: Mon Apr 22, 2002 2:15 am

GP Archive GPE 008

Post by GalacticPost »

Watch your back!

Talk of the end of the universe as we know it runs wild through the galaxies. It is possibly because of this that the number of hunting vessels has risen greatly over the past few days. Both members of the Federal Government and Organized Crime units seem to have decided that killing will be their new way of life. Ship dealers in all galaxies have reported an excess of merchant ships in thier inventory. "It's all about how many guns you can carry, and how much damedge you can take these days" says an employee of Cross World Transit Ships. "We havn't had a customer in days". This brings up many economical and security problems. How will our economy work when everyone just stops trading and starts killing each other. This may cause many ports to close up, thus shutting down some of the galaxies best routes. People will also have to watch out for themselves much more as scout and combat drones as well the newley perfected mine industry increases so rapidly. As the end possibly approaches we here at the post urge all members of the "Newbie Game (1)" Universe to procede about thier daily business with extreme caution. Good luck to everyone.

FED too harsh?

It seems that the Federal Government is everywhere these days. In an attempt to crack down on the buying and selling of illegal goods, the Federation have been conducting more and more random searches on merchants throughout the universe. When Caught, these merchants, who obviously have no respect for the law, are fined penalties far higher than what the shady port merchants would recieve for the sale of thier illegal goods. One of our very own Galactic Post Correspondents managed to interview one of these space pirates who asked to only be identified under the alias of "Derek".When asked his opinion of the Federations stance, Derek, a trader of lux and weapons, respoded "No matter what port I go to, they catch me. I cant even afford to trade anymore!" Our same GP Correspondent contacted Mr.Darren Mean, president of the Federal Government about this matter. Darren only had this warning. "Its common sense..Trade goods that are illegal, You're going to get caught" It seems like, for at least this one issue, the Federal Government is not backing down anytime soon..

Growth of Crime

Disturbing news was uncovered today by a group of federal investigators conducting a poll on 20 of top traders in the universe. 55% of the traders admitted to being involved with illegal trading activities while only 35% had records as upstanding federation citizens. With such rampant illegal activity questions have been raised about how the federation proposes to combat the growth in underground trading. The federation spokesman told a Galactic Post Correspondent today that the Federation conducts random searches on traders who enter ports, but they just don’t have enough deputies to cover everyone and that means many traders slip through the cracks. The spokesman suggested that anyone interested in preventing the growth of illegal activities should sign up to become a deputy at their local Federation HQ.

Dawn Raid

In intergalactic news today, 8 Forsaken ships took 2 planets formerly owned by Tootsie Pops. The planets a level 14.66 and a level 6.66 were assaulted in the early morning hours around 6AM Inter-Galactic Time. The large fleet quickly overpowered the weak planetary defenses only to find no one was on the planet. Even though no traders were found, an anonymous source close to the action was quoted saying “The raid was good even though we didn’t kill anyone, It’s the first successful raid against good size planets and shows what we can do.” This attack came in the wake of an earlier attempted PB that was interrupted by unknown forces that mysteriously left universe in a state of newbie protection.
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