Mines - The END.....

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Post by LotuS »

loopholes are loopholes if people choose to make issues about them.

I.e. Armada raiding like a bazillion ports to make 25x route then single good trading :P
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Post by Siege »

No we haven't..oh holiest of route makers.
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Post by OmegaRenegade »

Why reduce cash? that isnt going to do anything
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Post by OmegaRenegade »

how early in the game did you guys hit the 500M mark? Anything above 500M - 1B is surplus and an alliance with that kind of cash will make more off of bonding that of what could be spent on mines. Reducing cash will not harm the big alliances mine efforts any. It will however widen the gap between the few top alliances and those who arent. And that was the point of my 0 value thread
My ties are severed clean, the less I have the more I gain, off the beaten path I reign, rover, wanderer, nomad, vagabond, call me what you will

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Post by Kuwl »

the weaker alliances generally have newbie ranked individuals. That is why I was trying to say average or below should get full profit, anyone over should get only 1/2 of the normal profit.

Average - 15 kills and 60000 experience OR 200000 experience OR 30 kills.

That isn't that hard to achieve those standings. Any vet can easily get 60,000 experience and 15 kills. This might also help smaller guys get into bigger alliances (because they would make more money off the bat, and if they only trade, they can only trade up to 200,000 exp anyways).
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Post by Travdan »

However, you can also ask the admins to delete your account so that you get full benefit from cash (new account with newbie status). Also, you can trade for very little cash and still get a LOT of money.
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Post by RedDragon »

Rather than cap routes why not just change the trade formula - cash seems to go exponentially (at least far more than linearly) with distance - why not just reduce the reliance on distance - or perhaps make it linear - therefore there is advantage (in the same that there is in XP terms) but not such a huge one.

And yes Kuwl before you get personal - you should realise that anyone who has ever developer software in any serious way must think like the guy trying to break your system not the perfect character. Those who know me should know that while I see these loopholes - I test them in beta and report them privately without using them.
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Post by Ardbeg »

I refer everyone (especially OR) to other threads where I specifically address the imbalances between the power alliances (who do all the mining) and everyone else. If you (again, OR) really think that taking excess cash out of the hands of the major alliances will not reduce mining, then I would like to know what will?! Multilplier cap, asymptotic cash multiplier function, bond cap, planet galaxy port level cap, whatever you want to use - as long as it targets the big guys and not the others.

For the record, I don't like the idea of advantages for certain user rankings since those are much too easily abused.
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Post by Vtreka »

I personally think bonding on planets is a stupid idea to even be in the game. How does putting money on a planet ever make it increase in interest? Is there a RP aspect to this that would explain it? There are no banks on the planets and its not like SMR has some sort of stock exchange thing (though could be a good addition ;) ). If only the larger alliances are benefitting from bonding money on planets and its helping to fuel their mining, take it out. It has been said but if you do that no-one will have reason to keep planets... well just think of another thing to put on teh planets that WILL make it worth taking them.

I'd say capping at 8-10x if that was the route we took.

I was also thinking of making it so trade routes don't go cross galaxy but that would bring its own problems unless there was a way to stop 15x cash routes being 5 sectors long (i.e. warp jump) after building two 15x routes on either side of a warp.
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Post by Thennian »

how about faster expiry? u want to have a big minefield..u gotta use the turns to maintain it.
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