SMR on a Mac?

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SMR on a Mac?

Post by Siege »

Don't flame me..But I'm considering buying a macbook and I was wondering if anyone here plays SMR on a mac? If so, is it slower then a PC or is the interface junked up at all?

This is something I've always been curious about.
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Post by LotuS »

it would probably be about the same as almost all browsers are the same. It would probably be comprable to the speed of a comprable processor/ram PC. Things that would hinder your speed would more likely be your ISP and network situation.

Most people opt to not be refered to as a pea soup eater or wine drinker and go the tried and true reliable path of the PC.
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Post by Baalzamon »

i plan on getting a macbook for college....the first computer i ever had was an apple and it was a million times better then this hunk of junk...never froze or crashed, never had a virus....

Post by Curufir »

Should work fine on Safari. If not write up a bug, it's probably a form I didn't get around to fixing.
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Post by Purify »

i used to play on the MACs while at University.... (PC labs always full).... it was pretty much the same... often times ran faster than the PCs, although i sucked at switching from chat to browser and back :P
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Post by Blum »

The game looks fine on Firefox 1.5 on Mac OSX4. It should work on Safari as well. Speed should be more or less the same as for a PC.
One SMR related problem is lack of mIRC. If you want an irc client for mac I would recommend erc, an emacs based irc client. Fire is pretty good too.
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Post by Infinity »

The only problem that might occur is the page display, but since it looks good in FF it should look the same in Safari since both browsers render CSS the same way. Speed is only determined by the type and speed of your internet connection.
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Post by Grizzalo »

I actually just bought a MacBook. The only problem I have with it running SMR is the buttons are those stylized cartoony things (in Safari at least). It doesn't register the highlight function on some of the buttons (like voting center). Other than that it runs way better than my old computer. I''m really happy with this decision...=)
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Post by Electricdeath »

I played Shareplay's SM many years ago on a 68k PowerPC Macintosh Computer...those were the days... :D

Post by Curufir »

Grizzalo wrote:The only problem I have with it running SMR is the buttons are those stylized cartoony things (in Safari at least).
Safari uses webcore, which is based on khtml. In this engine actual buttons are very limited in their styling. So anywhere you see a submit button for a form you'll see the "cartoonish" buttons. Anywhere I've put in a link that's styled to look like a button you'll see the green rectangular button. I have some Javascript ready to replace all the form buttons with styled links. However a lot of the scripts with forms haven't been updated to give the appropriate markup, so it's disabled in order not to break things.
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