Conservative Alliances?

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Quiet One
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Conservative Alliances?

Post by CoonDawg »

Is it me, or are alliances playing much more conservative these last few games?

Trade routes are protected more then ever. No one seems to attack with less then an overwhelming force. And when they do, they seem to rely more on insider knowledge.

What happened to the "damn the odd's we're going in" operations?

Using overwhelming force is nice, but it takes all the excitement out of an OP. But frankly, isn't this getting a little boring?
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Post by RandyOrsolo »

This is something you need to take up with your alliance leaders, Coon - other alliances play however they want to, so if you want your alliance to take more chances, bring it up with them.

The reason everyone's probably being so patient is because they know their opponent is patient enough to wait for them to make a mistake - so everyone ends up being a little more tentative, waiting for someone else to set the pace and then react to it.
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Post by Tulayrk »

A lot of it is owed to the fact that alliances have been more active in general and have gotten better at active defense. It's a lot easier to damn the odds when you don't have to worry about large numbers of defenders coming on and disrupting your activity.

Mines don't seem to be any more prevalent than they usually are though. I don't know how much of that is because of higher activity leading to better clearing, though.
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Post by Grey »

With these large planet galaxies it's possible to make very good routes where the traders never have to go outside alliance mines. The good news is that with these large planet galaxies the neutrals have not suffered from being crowded with mines and I for one wouldn't mind seeing that continue.

One thing I see that could help a little was to make a setup similar to the current one but get rid of the small CA galaxies. This way the construction of uber routes gets more difficult as two neighbouring alliances may ruin each others routes.
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Post by LotuS »

Its the crusaders mentality. Most alliances have adopted it. you sit in your whole and chill. mine mine mine mine mine.

Not crusaders fault everyone copied them, but yes your right they have been.
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Post by RandyOrsolo »

Yeah, let's ignore the fact all of our biggest successes have come on the offensive (you forgot something about your argument Lotus: FACTS. I'd be happy to give you a few examples), and that the DoW and DC also mined the hell out of things...but that's okay, blame Crusaders for doing it because that's convienent.

We've taken what we feel are the best of what other alliances have done and copied/adapted it. If that means we don't send five ships in single file to face your eight-ship fleet, that's fine by me. This whole "crusaders mentality" is a cop-out by certain players who have refused to adapt to the changing nature of the game.
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Post by Swagman »

sit in your hole and chill...... ??? have you been reading the news, we OP twice a week, go out killing people in between....

just cos we don't go through the racials looking for the easy targets, doesn't mean were sitting and chilling...

I think we've been pretty active.... and as were still fighting the best alliance from the last few games, I'd say we were doing pretty well
Harry Krishna
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Post by Harry Krishna »

I think Tul and Grey and others (but not Lotus) are correct.

Playing more carefully or playing smarter, weighing the odds more often, better organized OPs...all of these probably. But boring? Never.
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Post by Vober »

Actually I agree with Lotus.

And also hopefully 20 man alliances will change this. If you get 10 people on thats already half of your alliance, so there should be more fights with smaller forces.
Quiet One
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Post by acidtrip »

I do agree that "some" alliances use a much more conservative approach. If they don't mind the criticism or ridicule that comes with it, then so be it.

Players enjoy the game in different ways. Some choose to go it alone, others like to have 29 others fighting with them defending their territory, attacking lvl 70's and having the occasional fleet battle.

Still, others enjoy creating a smallish alliance made up of noobs and their favorite hunting buddy. These are the people that like to hunt in pairs, going off to enemy territory to hunt a trader/miner or a single WB. These people usually find mine fields and they cry about it endlessly on the message board.

You see how their are many ways to enjoy the game?

Lotus somehow fails to remember some things or has been not read the news much the last few months. The "Crusaders mantality" was done better than Crusaders ever thought about by DC during Millways. DC mined up 2 or 3 galaxies and lets not forget Virus mining up 2 or 3 galaxies during Librium. I don't think either of those alliances "set in a hole" nor are the Crusaders.

Lotus and Vober have been around long enough to know when an alliance takes up shop somewhere that alliance is going to mine up all areas of concern. This has been going on for a while now, the new wore off for most people. Some alliances have the abilitly too keep replinishing stacks and defending their turf, others don't have that luxory. 30 people logging off on a planet feel safer with mine fields around them.

Blah! Blah! Blah!
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