Merchant Empires

Putting a happy face on the community.
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Beginner Spam Artist
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Merchant Empires

Post by Freon22 »

I am posting this in the joke forum because I think its funny.

It looks like ME must have gotten a new coder or one of the old coder may have gotten POed or they were hacked. On 8/4/06 I started getting spam from announcements@advancedpowers.

Now some of the spam emails from them was funny, the ones where the coders were trying to find what had gone wrong.

("Ever one please listen. Ever time you reply to this email ever one gets a
copy of it so stop sending them and that will be the end of it.")

("Sorry, I don't know what's going on right now, somthin' has gone horridly
wrong and i'm getting HUNDREDS of complaints from people I don't even know
[like you], I believe my E-mail has been hacked or i'm being zombied, sorry
for the problem")

("i dont know i got an offensive email from somebody saying to stop freakin
spaing me
i replayed i wasent if every 1 just stops sending mail this will stop!")

Then it seem that the players were given access to send out these spam email and when they learned that they could, they went to town.

Anyone want to hire some good excoders from ME! LOL
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