Hunting using SMC, your opinion?

Discuss everything strategical about SMR.

What do you think about hunting via XP increments?

It is OK. It takes some skill to do and adds an extra element to the game
It is not OK. Hunting should be accomplished through scouts/intel
No opinion either way
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Hunting using SMC, your opinion?

Post by Kal »

Read poll and cast a vote :)

Personally, I don't mind it, I use it myself and it adds an extra element to the game. I believe however that with the current ships it makes for an unbalanced game, which is why I've been behind the push for slower top racials/faster hunting ships.

What is your opinion?
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Post by Grey »

I did not vore since there is not "Other" option. As it is SMC hunting is too easy. This can be prevented by changing the game. But there are other ways too. If you change the way you trade you can avoid most SMC hunters.
1) Make your own routes by upgrading ports so they are not in SMC. Most ppl do not upgrade SMC very much since it would mean scouting over and over.
2) Trade in neutrals. Ppl using SMC often assume - at least I do - that ppl trade in their home galaxies. Trading in another racial is good too but all racials are hunted more than neutrals in general.
3) Don't trade at ports with easy to recognize multipliers, eg 7x4x4x3. Trade at something like 4x4x2x2. They are everywhere and almost impossible to pinpoint.
4) Trade in a bulky ship that can take more than one hit from a wb.
5) Learn your route. If you use local map instead of using plot course you have a much greater chance of seeing the hunter coming.
6) Use longer routes instead of only two port routes. It may take longer to find.

This should in theory work but since a lot of ppl don't know these simple rules and may never see them, I think something else has to be done.
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Post by PaTer »

Grey wrote:As it is SMC hunting is too easy
You must be joking...

Btw, as i remember you started the open SMC project!? :evil:
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Post by Grey »

Sorry but I have to reply to this even though it's off topic. In my opinion SMC hunting is too easy. You disagree. It's just a matter of opinion.
Yes I started the open SMC project. I did that because some had SMC and some didn't. Since SMC is such an advantage I think we all should have the same chance of using it.

On another note:
7) Get your team mates to help you out when you trade. Have a warbird hanging around.
8 ) Use forces. Drop a mine/scout in at least each of ports you trade and possibly on every sector you go through. If you see a scout message icon, go to safety and read it.
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Post by Vtreka »

I have to agree with PaTer on this one. Its amazing how many vets even play the game and do NOT know how to find a route using SMC. I don't think its that big of a problem. A good trader will be able to avoid hunters even if someone is tracking them on SMC, and you have to remember that NOT ALL routes show up on the SMC.

There are many ways for traders to use SMC to their own advantage to stop hunter effectively hunting them through SMC. I think its just another part of the game that has developed.

If you start taking the last three digits from the CPL people will find other ways to work out what their xp gains are.
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Post by LotuS »

i dont ^^
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Post by Thauglor »

Its not that I think SMC is cheating or anything, I just want it gone as I agree with Grey that its to easy
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Post by Kal »

I must admit that some traders take all of 5 seconds to find, especially when they are doing one of the top 20 XP or $$ routes in racial, but some people can trade and are next to impossibleto find. Trust me, I've searched for some routes :lol:

BTW, I think that Grey's open SMC has helped even the field for the small players, people not in big alliances, and that is the only difference that has made to the game.
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Post by Incision »

all you have to do is trade a 3x5x3x5x4x3x2x1x3x4x route mahahahahahahaha

sure the xp blows, but who going to find me?
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Post by RedDragon »

Why not trade a perfect 5 port route Inc - noone can find you still and the XP is great - shame about cash though.
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