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Re: Restocking / Tiers of Goods

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:20 pm
by Edgecrusher
This is turning into a discussion on good and evil more than it is on goods, but hey, I can't resist.

I don't need to add anything to kah's posts, he says it all, but to strengthen his point let me remind you of Orca's strategy in one of the last games in old smr.
He went ikky and made all his lapdogs go ikky too, so they could control the ikky council. Then he kept war with everyone (ikky doesn't need the weapons anyway), and got huge alignment from kills, so he could sleep at 8/ in fed, which is awefully much for ikkys. Then he hunted from fed without ever having to arm.

Now I didn't like his strategy one bit, but that's not the point: here was someone who made full advantage of being good (both presidency and sleeping in fed) without ever having to touch the HHG or FU, and being very succesful at it.

Besides, I disagree with you that everyone went evil. Going evil is not so great when there's so many evil people that the narc routes are always drained.

Re: Restocking / Tiers of Goods

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:28 pm
by Freon22
I know all that Kahless, I played Good more then Evil for many years. You don't have to sell me on Good but the player base is sold on Evil. They provide that going Evil is better then going Good. That is unless you think that those vets don't know what they are doing?

Maybe like Edgecrusher said make the penalty for going evil higher. More searches, higher fines for starters.

But when you adjust the goods within the game you are messing with the balance between Good and Evil. I know how it was before and I know how it is now in 1.5. I just don't want the game to be Evil only being the way to go and that is how it will be unless you have some balance between the two.

Edit. Look at "View Council" and tell me how many evil and good members you see? Why?

Re: Restocking / Tiers of Goods

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:39 pm
by Kahless_
Seems the player base is pretty sold on "Good" at the moment, so clearly something needs to be done..Maybe we should just let evil players have guns in fed so its more even..

See how silly that statement sounded? Well thats exactly what happened when the "good" goods were introduced.

If evil truely is too appealing, then yes, we need to give good players more of an advantage..But you can't just give the good players the advantage that evil players had, cause then they are the same thing..The advantage needs to be something else.

Re: Restocking / Tiers of Goods

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:45 pm
by Kahless_
Alsk - 15/5
Creo - 16/0
Human - 17/3
Ik - 11/4
Salv - 15/4
Thev - 16/4
WQ - 11/10
Nij - 6/5

Those are Good/Evil ratios..What was that meant to prove? That everyone chooses evil?

Re: Restocking / Tiers of Goods

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:01 pm
by Freon22
Human 6 evil, 8 neutral, 1 good.
Alskant 6 evil, 4 neutral, 4 good.
Creonti 6 evil, 6 neutral, 6 good.
Salvene 12 evil,3 neutral, 5 good.
Thevian 15 evil, 3 neutral, 2 good.
WQ Human 3 evil, 8 neutral, 5 good.
Nijarin 7 evil, 4 neutral, 2 good.
IK'Thorne 7 evil, 2 neutral, 4 good.

Also I still counted some of those yellows that are looking more reddish then yellow as still neutral.

Edit: I can't believe you can not acknowledge that in many pass game the player base went mostly evil. Also the classic game seems to be showing that again, will see after another week or two.

Re: Restocking / Tiers of Goods

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:22 pm
by Edgecrusher
Well, maybe you can't believe it, but unless you have a screen shot, my memory is as good as yours. In the game I was naming as an example, almost everyone was green.

As to your alignment count: if I look at the lists, it shown that *all* races have a good president. How many people choose what alignment does not matter, the only argument is whether the advantages are balanced. Besides, as I said, evil is always more present at the start of the game.

But really, this thread was once about goods. So for argument's sake let's say evil is overpowered, then why introduce good goods. Like Kah says: think up something new instead of copying something that makes no sense for good people.

Re: Restocking / Tiers of Goods

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:26 pm
by Freon22
Thank You! I agree having Good goods may not be the best way to go. But something does need to be adjusted. Will post later on ideas in another thread.

Re: Restocking / Tiers of Goods

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:40 pm
by Edgecrusher
Now that is more constructive than bickering about good and evil. For the record, I did not say that evil is overpowered, only that if it is, then good goods are not the answer. I think Kah and me said that at the beginning of this post.

But I eagerly await your list of suggestions. Should be interesting.

Re: Restocking / Tiers of Goods

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:06 am
by B.O.B.
I would be fine with either getting rid of fed goods, or making them tradeable by evil players.

One thing I'd like to see changed though: I'm tired of port owners offering me a special deal at another port that involves goods I can't trade due to my alignment. It's annoying as all get out, especially when it's a 6x bonus.

The one and only issue I have for make fed goods available to evil players is that in the long run, it will be easier for them to switch their alignment (if they wanted too), so if you made it possible for evil people to gain alignment by trading fed goods, then you need to introduce another way (other than port raiding) for good people to change alignment.

How about this idea:
Make all goods available to all players regardless of alignment.
Then do this:

Code: Select all

               [Fed Player][Evil Player][Neutral Player]
[Fed Goods]          1x              2x              1.5x
[Neutral Goods]      1x              1x              1x
[Evil Goods]         2x              1x              1.5x
What this means is that if I'm a fed player, and I buy evil goods, even with max relations, it will cost double of what it should, and I will gain half the amount of experience, and when I sell the evil gods, I'll only gain half of the profit, and half the experience.

Neutral gets penalties on both evil and fed goods, but not as much.

Edit: If you still want to give evil players a slight trade advantage, you can either have them have no trading penalty, or a smaller one (like 1.5x or 1.25x for fed goods).

Re: Restocking / Tiers of Goods

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:00 pm
by Edgecrusher
Well, as to the special offers, that needs to be revised completely, because it also ;) me off if there's a 12x offer for 3000 goods and there is no supply or demand.

As to your suggestion on goods, it still contradicts the idea of evil people only being able to trade illegal goods. With your suggestions the distinction between good end evil goods becomes really small.