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Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:57 pm
by Freon22
I been working with css tables and they are cool and fairly easy to work with. The only problem is they are not supported by IE7. Firefox and the new IE8 supports them not sure if any of the other browsers support them or not. But one thing I can say is that they make the base design of a web page a piece of cake. No html tables to force thing where you want them cssTables makes for a good clean design.

The problem is it will be a few years before most everyone that uses IE7 or earyer update to IE8. :(

Well since SMR 1.6 is out I will start making videos again.

Re: cssTables

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:58 pm
by Infinity
Hold on, what are cssTables?

Gimme a link or something.

Re: cssTables

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:03 pm
by Infinity
Mhm... got it... dunno how I managed not to be informed on that one... imo a slight draw back from the usual layered box model, but that's not a discussion for here.

Re: cssTables

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:59 pm
by Freon22
I am guessing that when you say "slight draw back from the usual layered box model" its a good thing. If so I agree, cssTables allow you to organize your content without forcing positioning using absolute and/or floats.

As far as you saying "that's not a discussion for here" I don't agree. The uses of nesting html tables within tables has alway been a poor way of designing layouts. But with the different browsers its been the way to design so that you are somewhat ensured that the content will display the same.

We have a thread "Interface Design Contest" and if anyone does want to design a new layout with some nice graphic. The use of html nested tables will just slow the load time even more then it is now.

I made this thread to see what Page thinks of the cssTables, if he thing that they would help in load time of a page with much more graphic. Then I may work on a new layout for that contest. The layout would only be for FireFox and IE8 so players that wanted to try it would have to use one or the other. But if Page thinks its not worth it then I am not going to waste my time trying.

Re: cssTables

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:13 pm
by Infinity
It's a CSS3 component, and those dont yet have cross browser suppoert. As such, there is another thing... I don't see how does it load images faster? It's still a style file... Shorter, yes, for a certain portion of kBs but that seriously doesn't make a difference for loading times.

1.6 UI is now template driven, I can't imagine a design that complicated that cannot be done by usual means (valid tableless XHTML+CSS2).

As for the contest, design may only be provided as a .psd file if one submitting the design isn't competent enough to slice it, there are no conditions on that but there are additional prizes if I recall correctly, if HTML is submitted together with the design.

In any case, I can and would make that template if we get only a design... so no worries about that :)

Re: cssTables

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:14 pm
by Freon22
Infinity wrote:In any case, I can and would make that template if we get only a design... so no worries about that :)
Ok bossman I will drop it, that is for SMR. btw I was not talking about the images loading faster. :roll:

Re: cssTables

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 11:38 pm
by Page
Well technically any image file that can be read by gimp would be fine for me :P

CSS Tables won't be likely to make the site load any faster, but tbh I don't think that's a major concern (well unless you do some crazily complicated and slow layout with loads of javascript perhaps), but anything that looks good would be nice.
Realistically to use it as the default layout it has to work in IE6/7 as well as more standards compliant browsers

Re: cssTables

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:54 am
by Infinity
if he thing that they would help in load time of a page with much more graphic.
This is what you said... so yeah, not exactly but close enough :P

Speaking of CSS techniques... have you read about the CSS3 grid model? Basically, it's something like very advanced cssTables, tho it's not even fully documented yet, let alone implemented :/

Re: cssTables

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:59 am
by Freon22
I am talking about html tables can't you see that. :angry: Tables nested within tables within tables.
And to answer your question No I have not read about the CSS3 grid model when it is supported by a few browsers I am sure I will be reading about it.

Re: cssTables

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:05 am
by Kahless_
Haha - arguement about tables...tackling the big issues :)