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Making money

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:06 am
by Freon22
Over the years I have made a few post about how SMR can make money. All of my ideas were put down by those that don't and will not ever donate money to SMR.

If you pay you get a little extra, but most players want pay for items to not give any value. I think it about time that SMR stops trying to make these types of players happy.

So I am starting this thread for anyone in beta that has an idea on how SMR can make money to post them. If SMR had some money coming in to payout then things like promoting the game, buying a new server, maybe paying Page a little for all the work he has done.

One of my ideas was to allow players to buy a two sector scaner. I think it should cost a dollar and last for 30 days of until the game ends which ever comes first.

Edit: I wanted to add one more thing. SMR should allow payment by more then just paypal, many people don't use paypal and I am one of them. My wife plays a online game called SPP "Super Poke Pets" her playing this game cost me anywhere from 5 to 20 a month. LOL I will not allow her to use paypal or to use any of our cedit cards online. Instead I buy her these $ 25 dollar visa gift cards that she can buy gold items in the game with. The visa gift card is safe for me because I know that if hacked I can not lose anymore then $ 25 dollars. So Shock should look into how SMR could allow players to use these visa gift cards to buy things within the game. Then we need to add thing that can be bought, online games make lots and I mean lots of money. You can play for free but if you want a like extra then you pay for it.