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Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:42 pm
by JettJackson
i think something about the mines should be done, mines should be able to defend a planet gal/cluster not be rolled over like they are nothing

Re: Balancing

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:09 pm
by Target
STEBO48858 wrote:i think something about the mines should be done, mines should be able to defend a planet gal/cluster not be rolled over like they are nothing
i don't think mines are that easily rolled over. it takes a lot of SC to clear.

the problem is how many reps you have doesn't affect you when clear. rich alliances can continue to buy more and more SC, and have it not matter. JJ, i know you're specifically taking about what FI has been able to do clearing mines, and thats because those that clear usually have 700-900 reps when we're done.

a few possible solutions might be:

1) the more reps you have, the more SC you use

2) your weaps don't do damage against forces if you click attack after a certain amount of reps

3) the more reps you have, the more damage mines do to you

Re: Mines

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:27 am
by JettJackson
all 3 of those would help mines effiency and make clearing harder

Re: Mines

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 6:54 pm
by Venganza
i think all three of those at once would overpower the mines. i believe that increased dmg from drones or # of drones that hit should increase as past repairs go up. This would be the simplest method to solve the problem.
I can see a dire consequence from increasing SC cost of clearing forces. If a trader with 600 or so past repairs and is coming back to fed hits a 50 stack, well there goes all his SC so he has to limp back 10 seconds per sector, right after he just pinged some hunter. Vets wont get hit like this as often, but every single new player will die 5-10 times to this per game.

Re: Mines

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:14 pm
by OmegaRenegade
I think I most favor the increased mine damage idea, where more mines hit more often as your repairs climb

Re: Mines

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:05 am
by Infinity

Re: Mines

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:33 pm
by Infinity
I'm bumping this thread, pointing again to the formula I made about repairs affecting damage done to forces...

Why... well, WS opped last night and mined their galaxy again... 15-16 seeds in each sector, I've cleared total of 18 sectors in 900 SC and 30 minutes. No team effort, or JJ's 3 hours of droning the stacks shouldn't be smashed in half an hour, only "because I can".