Blade's Blog

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Blade's Blog

Post by Blade »

Blade’s blog.

So here it is the ideas of an old man in the game.

I guess the bonus to having people like me, Swag and Edge in the team is, we have been there, done that and tested it before, we know what worked and what didn’t in the old game, and with the knowledge and input from fresher minds, I am sure we can bring this game forward, but we all know we are cut sort with back up from the powers that be, but we can but try.

So from the London meet. A follow on my idea’s, updates and dreams.

I will start with ships.

The Biggest hunt ship in the game should be the DC, it’s base should be 800 shields, 400 armour and 200 CD’s.
The Life taker should be removed and the Life Stealer changed to a raider class ship.
Each Race has (excluding Skant) a hunt ship, and the Federal Warrant is the hunt class ship for good alignment.
This game should not be ruled but 1 ship alone, it should have a mix of player types, ships and strategies.


I have always had a beef with how the mines are involved in our game play. I think it’s simply bulls that we use them to hide behind, and the fact they do not blow our own ships up is complete mess, mines care for nothing, they are laid to make it awkward for attacking foes to attack a certain point and from behind that mine wall or field the defenders defend. But mines laid should kill anyone with 2 exceptions.

Here is my reason to the above madness, before you all go pfffttt!!

Let’s use modern warfare for now, mines laid out in the ocean, do they let allied ships through? NO they will blow up anything it touches, so what is their purpose, well the allies know where they are laid and know the route through the mine field, it slows the attackers down as they have to navigate slowly through.
Mine fields kill the game, always have always will, it makes the game boring, now all you do in the alliance is seed and replenish mines, to many people stop playing because they are forced to lay endless sectors of seeds taking up their playing time.

All mine fields should be strategic, not just 50x50 sectors deep, and they should be planned. So my proposal is.

Mines damage all ships expect human boarder cruisers and boarder cruiser, because these ships are equipped with a special power consuming gadget that allows them to pass through mines, the amount of mines you can drop is 500 per sector by all so only 500 mines can be in a sector at any 1 time, because they hit everyone including ships that drop them for hunting purposes if they leave the sector it makes no sense to have lots dropped as you will die. Will also make no sense to mine up a port as your own people can die.

Bring in a second mine type, EMP mines, but these are capped to 25 in a sector, EMP is as they say once they hit they reduce manoeuvrability, this being the hunters mine.

This will mean alliances have to think about their mine fields, while leaving a path open to their planets/ports in planet galaxies, it slows down attackers. Makes mine fields fun not boring game killers that annoys they hell out of people because they spend hours laying mass mine fields that are cleared daily for dumb amounts of exp.

Now, plot course should include a bypassing allied mine fields, because I know you lot will say it makes it harder to move, this option should be included, leaders tell the miners where to mine plot course looks at the tag of the mine and plots the course avoiding the mined sectors, this way as leader you have to plan and upkeep your mine field, it’s a leadership quality, you might have to get the miner to regularly change the path as enemies learn your path to the planets/ports, alliances will have to protect their traders, at the moment it’s far to easy for alliance folk to trade in mass mine fields with treat.

I believe these are a big reason this game goes stale so quick and so many people hit spooky only a few weeks in to a game. Bring in more deaths this will force people to think about ships, not just buy 20 PSF’s all with 20 upgrades and 1000 elite drones.

So you people following.

Space stations

This has been talked about before, but I think it’s a big plus, if done right, they should be alliance run, each planet galaxy should have no ports, but alliances have the option to build a space port in their galaxy that trades goods, type depends on the buildings on the space station

Build an engineering bay and the space will demand machinery and sell say copper

Build a tech lad and that demands circuitry and sell computers

Build a farming bay demands wood, sells food.

But this takes a massive financial demand to keep running from the alliance, stop pumping in money and the demand goes down. Alliances should have to pay for their own route. This would be similar to planets but you can move it, say 1-2 sectors a day. Another thing the leader has to manage.

Needs a bit more thought but I think this would be a great move in the right direction.

And finally weapons.

This NEEDS to be capped.

We have to many godly massive ships that can 1 shot a /19 PSF and that is WRONG
SM had it capped to 1 level 5, I think we need to revert to this, but just + 1
So capped to

2 level 5
3 level 4
4 level 3
5 level 2
6 level 1

Raider type weapons are uncapped.

The hunter advantage should stay, people need more choice, this game is too green because the FA was godly, the FA should be a raider not used for hunting.

This game needs more depth to get people back now, it’s killed it’s self to much to say just fixing a couple of bugs will bring back the players. IT wont, we need to make 1.5 bold and new again, if not might as well go back to Old SMR and gain 30 old players back and play with a 60 player database.

Balls in your court, these are the idea’s of an old rambling man.
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Re: Blade's Blog

Post by Edgecrusher »

I'd love to respond to this Blade, but it would be a big blurry discussion. Would it be too much to ask to create a seperate topic for each idea?
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Re: Blade's Blog

Post by Blade »

The truth is there, just don't look blindly
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