A few newbie questions

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A few newbie questions

Post by Nevyn »

if i understand correclty, one the newbie protection drops i can be killed in open space and one way to avoid it is to go to fed protection...
But i also read that i must drop all weapons and on another post that it actually depends on my attack rating..So, does that mean i get Fed protection even if i have weapons, but my attack rating is low enough (depening on my aligment?)

Another quesiton on alliances..how does one join..just looking through the list and mail them or wait till one is asked? So, if anyone knows a good newbie alliance :))
Quiet One
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Post by Imhotep »

You are correct, your alignment determines the attack rating you can have and still get fed protection. It starts at a 3 rating is protected at your 0 alignment. See the exact formula elsewhere in this thread.

To join an alliance, you can ask each alliance leader and see who lets you in, or you can wait for someone to invite you. I have never in my life played a true newbie game so I do not know if leaders recruit new joiners or if they accept beggars or what. You can also start your own alliance and recruit whoever you want and you can all learn together....just an idea :)
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Post by B.O.B. »

Exact formula for fed protection is:

3 + (Alignment/150) = The offensive rating you can have.

So if you become a deputy at an HQ your formula is this:

3 + (150/150) = 4

Now if you become evil at the UG your alignment goes to -150 thus the formula equates to:

3 + (-150/150) = 2

Now suppose you are really evil and get to below -600 you would think the answer to the formula would be:

3 + (-600/150) = -1

But in this case it = 0. Why? Because no matter what aligment you have you can always get fed protection with a 0 offensive rating except in one case:

If you are evil (-100 alignment or lower) you can buy illegal goods. If you have illegal goods on your ship it doesn't matter what you offensive rating is, you won't get fed protection.
SGT Johnson, B.O.B.
Countries Visited: Afghanistan, Italy, Iraq, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan
Countries Lay Over: Germany, Ireland, Turkey
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