Max turns?

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Max turns?

Post by Cr8nked »

Ive seen different numbers of max turns... how do you bring the max up... is it by ship or by level, or some other way? thanks again.
Quiet One
Posts: 34
Joined: Fri Nov 01, 2002 2:23 am

Post by Edain »

Max turns for this game speed is 500, can't up the max turns no matter what ship you're in. You can, however, change the number of turns you get per hour. Different ships have different speeds. To find out how many turns per hour you will get, you need to multiply the ships speed by the game speed (the current game speed is 1.25) For example, a Planetary Super Freighter, which has a speed of 4, would gain 5 turns per hour (4 x 1.25 = 5). A Thief, which has a speed of 12, would gain 15 turns per hour (12 x 1.25 = 15). the downside is a Thief has less cargo holds, armor and shields then a Planetary Super Freighter. Thus, you have to choose between bigger, but slower ships, or faster, but smaller ships.
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