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Quiet One
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Post by Shtoopid »

Except neither of you read what was being suggested at all. JJ instead of just trying to sound logical to help your new buddies, you should figure out what was being discussed. The idea was to have a minimum time for actions from the server. Possible or not, that was what was being suggested, not a 1 second delay on all actions, just make all actions take a total of a second. If not for connection speeds, just to help those with older computers who cant load pages that fast. It wont hurt anybody if they have skill, just balance out the game for those less fortunate geographically or monetarily. If not everybody has the bucks for a computer that can load two pages a second why should they be doomed to the ranks of a 3rd rate player. We should let skill and tactics decide that.
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Post by Ardbeg »

Shtoopid wrote:Except neither of you read what was being suggested at all. JJ instead of just trying to sound logical to help your new buddies, you should figure out what was being discussed. The idea was to have a minimum time for actions from the server. Possible or not, that was what was being suggested, not a 1 second delay on all actions, just make all actions take a total of a second. If not for connection speeds, just to help those with older computers who cant load pages that fast. It wont hurt anybody if they have skill, just balance out the game for those less fortunate geographically or monetarily. If not everybody has the bucks for a computer that can load two pages a second why should they be doomed to the ranks of a 3rd rate player. We should let skill and tactics decide that.
unfortunately, that can't be done (as far as i know at least). The server has no way of knowing what your pingtime is, and it would need that information to compensate for it.
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Post by Shtoopid »

Yhea well I choose to ignore your reality and substitute my own. :) What is possible sucks doesn't it. I dont know anything about coding and whats possible, or if this would be simple enough that our volunteer coder would be willing to tackle it. But, couldn't the server be setup to ping computers as they login or something and then use that data as a basis for a minor delay. I.E. Joe blow logs in, server pings him and gets an average time of 204 ms. Setting a base time at .5 it would then stall for 296ms before performing any commands received from Joe blow. I dunno, does that idea hold water?
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Post by Smor »

why dont we all simple start playing new games. it would solve all our problems.
Please send me pm ingame or here with corrections of mistakes i did.

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Post by buttsack »

All coding in a 1 second delay on all clicks would do is stop the firing 2 times in 1 second, and stop the ability to CS or LM twice in a second. I don't see where its necessary. Every other action takes about a second to perform, including recloaking.
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Post by Infinity »

Server pings him and his firewall goes crazy.

When does the server ping the player? Prior to an action? When the player logs in?
That would either cause lag, or it would have a completely inaccurate information.

Most ISPs assign a host name to the computer which contains a prefix 'cable', 'dsl' and such, made for better organization of their networks, but this is not the way everyone do it. So even this cannot be the accurate way of assigning additional lag to some players.
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Post by Smor »

i mean who is protecting this guy? i reported 50 of his fashists msgs to me and he never took ban.. he says things like this and never gets ban?

who is protecting him? if i said something liek this i would be banned next day for sure. or any of illusions...

when will that stop?
Please send me pm ingame or here with corrections of mistakes i did.

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Post by Thennian »

there is no H in fascist.

sterling brings up some good points earlier in the thread. You all have your own agenda. Ive always wanted a delay on cloaking if only to level the playing field alittle. It gives those on dial up or really slow internet connections sometimes a chance to move an extra sector before dying.
Quiet One
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Post by a2 »

This is crap. there are TONS of players who are fast enough to get 2 shots a second or fly a cloak and could be deadly as all get out. Izza, tom, ghengis, kush, DW, purify, gunslinger, tons of players, who are super fast, who dont. They got the speed, they got the skill. This is just ripping on a group of players who is better than you and thats all it is. Sterling talks about newbies in LB saying they cant trade or anything, thats bull, teach them to trade smart, and sterling has taken more than his fair share of pods this game from these guys which explains his personalized hate comments with no value other than to hurt people. Our agenda is to play SMR and play it better than anyone, not to change smr so that its played for us. The speed advantage is available to lots of people not just armory. dont act like we are the only fast ones out here, and most of us arent any faster than you.

Delaying the cloak will not save you from pod, but it may let your 12 man fleet get a free gang kill because you took away the balls from our DC's, but that doesent make you better SMR players, it wont help the game, you will still eat pods while trading because you are predictable and people are stupid on this web board. What will you all rally to destroy next? the Jump drive? the power of the Fu for clearing because it makes mining useless when your enemy has 10 FU's? `this sugestion will be as bad as puting 2 min delay on CPL, now everyone in game knows EXACTLY when you are trading and when you stop. theres no guess work or # tracking anymore, we know everyones trade routes because everyones to stubuorn to not trade on scouts or park not in the closest fed or change routes after they die. i think its easier now to hunt traders than ever. its another stupid sugestion that you think is leveling the playing field, but just like the delay on CPL, doesent stop those evil hunters who are the scourge of the game and ruin all your fun because theyre evil. when you realize you have to adapt to a game is the first time you will realize you cant play the same way you played the last 7 years because things have changed. we adapted to kill you better, within the confines of the game, you refuse to change how you play and eat to many pods for your liking, now you complain here.

there is a place with open arms who would love to have you, its called canada, they love whiners.
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Post by Kahless_ »

Delay on cloak just makes it harder for slow players who use cloak. How the hell is a slow player who has to wait 3 seconds meant to compete with someone who can move 3 sectors a second like ghengis?
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