Just an fyi: saying you are not Pro Hunter and then stating that you nerfed the PSF and are against weakening hunter ships makes about as much sense as saying the French are sucessful modern day warriors. If you were not Pro hunter then you would not be against weakening hunter ships or you would at least be making suggestions of ways in which to improve the trading experience that wasn't detrimental to the traders. You have also stated that you don't like the xp loss decrease which is also a Pro Hunter stance.JettJackson wrote: Again you are incorrect when you think that I have changed my stance to pro hunter because I am playing with serg, when in reality I was one of the firsts to want the PSF nerfed about 10 games ago and I am constantly against weakening hunter ships (note the ITAC discussion), I am sure I can go on with more things but those 2 speak on behalf of themselves. As for this activity discussion you can't tell people to just dial back how they play the game because you can't keep up, Hell the SF mantra is to keep going no matter what. What has changed from previous instances? Why is it that people have to dial it back, Why can't people dial it up? Before you go on about we are on all day again it is really just one or 2 people who are on all the time, If you need logs of who comes on when in chat I will be more than willing to supply them to further cement my point. No this isn't a job but it is a hobby that some people devote more time than others to. I mean are we looking to limit how long someone can play per day because that is a ludicrous notion.
IMHO we need to make things easier for the casual player otherwise this game won't last more than a couple of more years.
Sportsmanship: JJ, you claim that it was never present in the past. I disagree, you ask anyone that was present during SM days and/or the beginning of the SMR days and they will tell you that good sportsmanship was always around and your teammates called you out if you didn't practice it. I look at the game today and in some aspects it is far superior to SM days, but sadly in others such as sportsmanship, newbie training, and competitive play the game is but a shadow of its former self.
The purpose of a lower game speed is to specifically force people to be turn efficient, higher speeds negate that and also imbalance the game towards a highly active vet heavy alliance. Also, think back to the first time you had your favorite candy as a kid. Did your parents then turn around and give you another 3 bags to eat? No, and because you didn't get them, you started getting the occaisional craving for the candy. The same philosophy applies to turns, the slower the game and thus the less turns, the more addicting it tends to be. Players start to calculate when they are able to move again, they linger online in chat rooms to talk while waiting for those 10 more turns, allainces become more communicative and work as a team.